Critical Leadership Thinking Skills

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A key success factor in any Leader is to have the ability to think critically, logically, creatively, and analytically. This course on Critical Leadership thinking skills provides the description, methods, and practice on these essential thinking skills. It is necessary for various leadership responsibilities like decision making, communicating, coaching, managing, and engaging with any stakeholders.

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Leadership Coaching Skills

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Higher performance is only possible when employees are inspired and motivated to take action and have the necessary skills to make the change possible. This course shows how to coach people so that they are motivated and direct them towards higher performance so that they are successful in tasks, projects, and work undertaken.

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Cause and Effect Complex Problem Solving

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Identifying the causes of complex organizational problems is not the same as technical problem-solving. It requires special skills and techniques to understand the interrelation and causal effect of one entity to an entire complex web of effects or outcomes. This course on Complex Problem Solving provides a detailed framework of conducting complex cause and effect analysis for solving problems across departments or problems affecting an entire organization.

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Strategy Execution Skills

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A strategy is only as good as its execution. Most strategic plans dot get fully implemented or have a low success rate because of weakness in executing plans effectively. This course teaches methods of effective execution and methods to motivate action teams towards tactical success in the implementation of action plans spelt out in the strategy

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Leadership Decision Making Skills

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One of the key challenges among leaders is to make the right decisions, make it timely, and ensure the decision creates a positive outcome in the organization. This course teaches effective decision-making processes and also provides skills on using evidence, analytics, and data in decision making.

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Hoshin Kanri & Visual Performance Management

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Any strategy created in an organization needs full alignment with all levels of people and stakeholders. There also has to be an effective monitoring plan in order to make progress well measured and tracked. Hoshin Kanri is a proven Japanese methodology of gaining alignment and Visual Performance Management is a powerful method of getting plans monitored and progress managed. This course provides the skills and techniques of applying these powerful methods practiced by Japanese success organizations like Toyota.

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